

Saturday, 6 August 2016


It turned out that the computer also has a remote forms, perhaps for those who are new to the computer world will ask what it is meant by a remote computer? Remote computer yangt is an application used to control a computer remotely kind. How to use this one application requires the form of a network of interconnected between the main computer to be used as a remote with other computers, whether it is connected using cables or even over a wireless network.

Not the same as the type of remote at the television, for the type of remote that is contained in one form is actually contained in the form of other computers, so that a single computer can be controlled by the main computer, the requirement to perform remotely on another computer can be done by using a network address that same between computers with one another. Because if not the network, then the main computer could not the other computer remotely. One form of the applications most frequently used in the computer meremotre is RealVNC.

The types of applications that this one is quite widely used in the community, especially them that are doing business and used this method to control the performance of their employees. RealVNC is known as a form of software that can make users easier to see and interact with Are Some form of a computer server which uses an simple program that is better known as the viewer from a computer anywhere you are and use them, even to use this application also does not takes the form of a computer with the same type because it can be used freely.
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