

Saturday, 17 December 2016

APK Downloader (Chrome Extension) 1.5.0

Downloader (Chrome Extension) 1.5.0

APK Downloader or Chrome Extension is a software to download activity in PlayStore APK application form. That way you can download a variety of applications without having to go through PlayStore. You only need to click the icon of the APK Downloader, so your computer will instantly download the file. After that, you simply move the application to the Android platform's pet. Applications from Play Store is not directly can be installed via your favorite Android devices, it's just kept ahead through the gallery's APK Downloader. As for how to use an application that is relatively easy. After APK Downloader is installed, it will display a login screen to the Play Store account on Google. If the log is already successful, then you simply enter the name of the application you want to download the file / APK file, then just wait until the download completes. The advantage to use the application's APK Downloader APK is the Android game or application can be shared among friends and you have a backup application on Android. APK Downloader only you can use to download free apps in the Play Store. Meanwhile, for a paid application itself you can not download it. This one application is not used for piracy, but to make it easier for Android users with internet access speed is weak, so the user can download via PC or computer.

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