

Saturday, 17 December 2016


bbm money


Since Blackberry cooperating with Android, the application of fuel can be freely enjoyed by android user, is not only Blackberry user alone. Not only comes with the application of fuel that is just to communicate, but the application of fuel to the Android system has also made some reforms. As a result of the current Android applications can be used in fuel used for telepone, not just a communication through chat. Not quite up there, see BBM on Android also vary, there can be with two pins, there is a form of transparent and so forth. but surprisingly enough, now BBM on Android application can be used like an ATM machine. Where only by using the BBM application, you can perform activities such as transfer money to your colleagues, and vice versa. BBM Android app that can have such a function is called with BBM ATM Money. This application is formed in cooperation with the bank blackberry gem. To use it, you can choose using the basic service or full service. Using the basic service, you can only save money, while a maximum of $ 100 for full service, you can save money up to $ 500. To get the application BBM Money can be done the easy way. You only need mengupgrad Money BBM application throughout the nearest bank branch. As for the security you need not worry because the BBM Money is equipped with a Passcode.

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